NAIC Supports DAPL Water Protectors Protest

Posted by on Nov 26, 2016 in Press Release | 1 comment

NAIC Supports DAPL Water Protectors Protest

NAIC Members Encouraged to Support the North Dakota Pipeline Protest,

Recently there is a lot of press about the dispute over a pipeline being forced through reservation lands in North Dakota and the effects such a pipeline could have, not only on the reservation, but on the drinking water of millions of people in the central part of the U.S. Many members of NAIC and members of many tribes throughout the country have gathered to peacefully protest this dangerous action by the oil companies.

The Standing Rock Reservation and hundreds of others in solidarity has been exercising their legal rights and sovereignty to stop illegal encroachment of sacred burial lands and to protect not only the water for the tribe but for all those who would be immediately and adversely affected by the pipelines current routing.

DAPL Protest Photo by Wes Enzinna

10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline

Members of the protest and even journalists covering it have been pepper-sprayed, attacked by police dogs, threatened by heavily armed swat type teams and incarcerated and charged with bogus crimes. Deaths and injuries have been reported but the media is mostly silent on these atrocities. NAIC stands firmly with these peaceful warriors defending the earth and encourages all to become informed and sign a petition asking the government to stand down and respect the earth religion and the tribal sovereignty of the natives in this dispute. You can do so at this link which also has links to many news articles where you can gain more information than the main stream media is providing.
Additional items of importance can be seen at the following links:

  3. White Stone Massacre
  5. Real Meaning of Thanksgiving Holiday

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your service.

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