N.A.I.C. Spirituality

Have you ever walked with the Creator or Great Spirit? The Spirit that resides in all things? Ever woke in the morning to feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair as if beckoning you to become one with what is? Ever wondered if there was more to your mortal existence?
We are a Christian Native American Tribal Organization and Church.
N.A.I.C. is a nondenominational, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led ministry that desires to be a balanced expression of the church that Jesus Christ, “Creator Sets Free,” is building on the earth. We long to see genuine revival within the church and a great awakening of those who do not know Jesus as their personal savior. We aim to encourage and equip believers to stand firm in these problematic last days before Jesus, the “Creator Sets Free,” returns. This includes teachings on the importance of knowing God’s Word, recognizing false doctrine and false prophets, the danger of living a life of habitual sin, spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, and end-times prophecy.
N.A.I.C. endeavors to be a true New Testament church that operates in the gifts of the Spirit (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, faith, working of miracles, and healing). We desire to see Jesus, “Creator Sets Free,” perform great signs and wonders through His people as He promised in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12. However, as we yield to the Holy Spirit and let His gifts flow, we will maintain New Testament (First Nations New Testament: https://beardedmedia.com/product/first-nations-version-an-indigenous-translation-of-the-new-testament/) order and rely upon spiritual discernment.
If you are looking for a Native American Christian church that will never compromise or water down the Word of God to be “relevant” or increase our numbers, please call, visit, or listen to our sermons online.
Well, the answers to these questions are found within. Getting to the inner part of you that aligns with your divinity is the nature and purpose of Native American Indigenous Spirituality. To walk with heart and feel the life energy that permeates all things animate and inanimate is where we will find our greatest joy and ultimate purpose.
Bask in the light, and share with others heeding the call of spiritual winds that carry the sacred history of indigenous spirituality from the beginning of time. Discover the gems of knowledge that lie deep in your soul’s reaches. Awaken God’s free and transcendent Spirit- the Great Spirit within you. Come to an understanding of all things. Join us in this journey of discovery and re-discovery of truth.
N.A.I.C. Doctrine of Faith
The N.A.I.C. Ceremony
N.A.I.C. is a Real Church!
N.A.I.C. Religious Exemption- Attestation of Faith Exemption Letter- Protect your Rights To Practice Your Religious Faith