Posted by admin on Oct 26, 2023 in Press Release | 0 comments
Definitions of Humanitarian Aid Society and Humanitarian Aid Society
Humanitarian Aid is material and logistic assistance to people who need help. It is usually short-term help until the long-term help by the government and other institutions replaces it. Among the people in need are the homeless, refugees, and victims of natural disasters, wars, and famines. Humanitarian relief efforts are provided for humanitarian purposes, including natural and human-made disasters. The primary objective of humanitarian Aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. Therefore, it may be distinguished from development aid, which seeks to address the underlying socioeconomic factors that may have led to a crisis or emergency. There is a debate on linking humanitarian aid and development efforts, which was reinforced by the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. However, the conflation is viewed critically by practitioners.[1]
2) Humanitarian Aid is assistance used to relieve suffering during emergencies. This is different from development aid, which is assistance that goes to addressing ongoing issues that contribute to human suffering. Humanitarian Aid is not exclusive to ‘Emergencies”.
There’s the definition of humanitarian Aid. But the meaning of our work goes much deeper. The golden rule of humanitarian Aid, shared by all organizations in this field, is the Humanitarian Imperative: Our job is to save lives and alleviate suffering. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent’s code of conduct defines the Humanitarian Imperative as: “The right to receive humanitarian assistance, and to offer it… wherever it is needed.” This motto is shared by almost all Humanitarian Aid Missions worldwide, including the Blue Cross-Blue Crescent Society Mission, which the N.A.I.C. is affiliated with directly.
This means that everyone has the right to receive humanitarian Aid if needed, regardless of their race, class, politics, ethnicity, gender, or any other identifying factors. Humanitarian emergencies tend to hit hardest for those furthest behind, but they also don’t discriminate. In Syria, for example, families who lived comfortable, middle-class lives lost everything either through escaping one of the worst humanitarian crises today or while still living in their home country as infrastructure and resources have disappeared. []
3) U.N., WHO, European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: The overriding objectives of humanitarian action, as enshrined in the Consensus [], are:
4) Non-Governmental Organizations (N.G.O.s) Berkeley University Reference: Not comprehensive but representative.
Blue Cross- Blue Crescent Society Humanitarian Aid Mission N.G.O.: [], FBC St. Kitts and Nevis Blue Cross Society
Native American Indigenous Church- U.N., WHO, DESA IPO Indigenous Peoples organization Registered N.G.O.
Native American Indigenous Church NAIC UN DESA NGO Registry, June 24th. 2014
Native American Indigenous Church (N.A.I.C.) is United Nations (U.N.), (D.E.S.A.) Registered ECOSOC: N.G.O.: I.P.O. Indigenous Peoples Organization.
We practice religious freedom and access to traditional medicine as human rights.
5) Blue Cross- Blue Crescent Society Humanitarian Aid Mission N.G.O.: Dr. Anthony B. James, Global Volunteers of Blue Cross & Blue Crescent, Appointed Medical Corps Commander In Charge, CBC-Corps & Medical Corps Command, FBC Saint Kitts & Nevis Blue Cross Society, Delegate to the COMMAND (CBC-Corps ID: 160PN518158476-USA-GVBC-05023 Date of Validity; Lifetime) February 2023
6) Humanitarian Terms: In addition to the list of humanitarian terms below, ReliefWeb has compiled a glossary of humanitarian terms that provides a focus on common usage and understanding of terms within a humanitarian context, particularly as relating to natural disasters, complex emergencies, and disaster risk reduction. []
7) Relief Glossary of Humanitarian Terms []