NAIC APM membership Registration Form

Posted by on May 24, 2021 in Press Release | 34 comments



  1. How to I join this organization? I am an enrolled Tlingit & Haida Tribal member.

    • Hello and good day Christina. Extensive information for all of our NAIC Church Tribal Org. membership levels in found on our NAIC Website at on the APM Page you posted this query from. Simply follow the posted instructions, sign the form, make a donation. Done!

  2. I tried to join but I don’t have a minister or practicioner.

    • Hello and good day Kimmie. Extensive information for all of our NAIC Church Tribal Org. membership levels in found on our NAIC Website at on the APM Page you posted this query from. Simply follow the posted instructions, sign the form, make a donation. Done!

      If you need a Member referral for your application, please email the office directly and we can assist you! Thank you for your interest and support of the Native American Indigenous Church.

  3. My mother and I have both joined, we are Seneca Iroquois. My husband is an indigenous Berber from Morocco and he will probably also join. Thank you for the support of family. Toka Hey!

  4. how do I join if I do not have a NAIC Minister/ Practitioner?

    • Hello Christina and thank you for this query.

      Please send all request for anything personal direct to the office by email. Include your full name, address and phone as well as the nature of your question. . The direct email is listed on the NAIC Contact page. Thank you for supporting the Native American Indigenous Church.

  5. Thank you in advance! 🙏🏽

  6. How to make a donation? credit card,pay pal,gpay

    • Hello NAIC is a 508c1a FBO Not For Profit, Tribal Organization and Church. You make make tax deductable donations of any amount any time, by certified bank check, direct Bank wire, or any means accepted by PayPal. To use PayPal send us an email and the amount that you would like to donate and we can send you an invoice with receipt for your donation. Your tax deductable donation will support the mission of NAIC Tribal Org. Thank you

  7. have joined 14.95 and have paid for exemption letter, for my daughter avila, how do i receive it, i wasnt even asked for email

    • Hello and thank you for this query. If your daughter is a minor then you have to join first as the parent. Be sure to complete and sign the Member agreement form on the Donation and description page. Then make another donation for your daughter. You fill out the Member form for her and sign it. On the donation payment be sure to designate which is for the daughter in the “Notes” section. Now both you and daughter are joining. Second, if you wish to availavle your self of any NAIC Services such as the Loaf Letter service? Same procedure. First you apply, then for child separately. These are two entirely different services. NAIC offer MANY different services it is not a one size fits all deal. If you have personal or specific questions? Do not post them on an open and not private forum! Send a query or email to NAIC Directly by email if you need personal directions, guidance etc. Thank you

      • this is only for my daughter, she is not a minor, im just helping her, have been from link to link

        • Hello, Sorry, Minors can not jon or participate without at least one parent or guardian. We will not be able to assist you further here. You are welcome to contact the church office directly if you have further questions. Thank you

  8. Applied for myself and my son and made donations.

    • Ok.

  9. Please help me with the application process, its unclear how to establish a NAIC minister. Please email me the instructions i have looked all over the website

    • The Membership directions specify that the primary function of the APM Membership is to join NAIC for the purpose of participating in tribal organization services, ceremony and traditional medicine practices and education. 99% of all applicants are either clients of NAIC Authorized Practitioner/ Ministers or are enrolled to be students in the NAIC Seminaries i.e. and or However, we are not prejudiced not do we require any “blood” quotient to join NAIC at the APM Level. If you are sincere and want to participate send an email to the office and request a referral so you can join. Aho!

  10. AHO
    My name is Catherine Mench and I was baptized in the NAC back in approximately 2000. This was so long ago and I believe the last Name of the man was Lightfoot.
    It was out of Mesa Arizona but he has since moved to Oklahoma.
    I do not have my baptismal certificate because I ran into hard times in 2008 and it was lost. My company is mandating the vaccine and I feel this is my only recourse other than quitting and I don’t want to do that but I will if I have to.
    Can you please help me.
    Thank you and AHO

    • Hello, Please do not post personal queries or information on public forums! If you have questions regarding NAIC Programs, services, memberships etc. send email with query direct to the office. Thank you.

  11. As a tribal citizen of the Americas and Africa I honor the privilege to practice my life’s work through NAIC.

  12. Hello I’m trying to join and don’t have a practitioners name can you help me please?

    • Hello Denysee. Please find all relevant information on NAIC and it’s degree and professional certification programs along with information regarding our Legal Shield protections for Healing Arts and SomaVeda® Certified Practitioners and ministers on our various official websites:

      1) https://SomaVeda.Com Native American Indigenous Church, INC (NAIC)
      2) https://SomaVeda.Org SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine (SCNM) NAIC Seminary
      3) https://ThaiYogaCenter.Com (NAIC Seminary and Physical School)
      4) Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope Sacred Medical Order Knights of Hope (SMOCH/ SMOKH
      5) https://PriorySG.Org Priory of Saving Grace

      If you have any specific questions regarding your participation in any official NAIC Program or service I suggest contact the office privately and directly by email. Be sure to include your contact info in any email to us. Cheers!

  13. I’m an end-of-life doula in north west New Mexico, are there any resources open and available? Looking to connect but it’s hard right now. Thank you for your time in consideration.

    • Hello Jason and thanks for reaching out. Other than healing ministry of our graduate medicine men and women all services are located on the NAIC Sanctuary in Brooksville, FL as described on the NAIC website and calendar. If your looking for Ministry training and education with authorization come here. We are happy to assist. Be well

  14. I just signed up for membership and I hope I put the correct name (William James) for the practitioner name. How do I find ceremony dates? Also, do you have weekend retreats? The tab here doesn’t show much and I would love to plan to attend one soon. My fiancé would like to attend, as well. Can he come with me as a family member or should he sign up as a member?

    • Hello and good day. Thank you for your interest in NAIC Tribal Org. All prospective new members who are not directly referred to NAIC are requested to send an email directly to us for qualifications and directions on Membership, Services etc. In the email please identify your self and present any specific questions you may have which are not covered in detail on the NAIC Church website. All other information on NAIC is located on the website. Other than NAIC Seminary? Activity schedules are posted on the NAIC Event Calendar. Thank you!

  15. I just signed all documents

    • Hello and good day… Apologies, but we do not know what your referring to? What documents are you referring to and or why are you signing documents? Please advise.

      To whom it may concern. Any and all request for personal information regarding the Native American Indigenous Church and or our services must be in writing and submitted via email directly. We do not answer any membership or personal questions in any public forum. Thank you.

  16. Thank you

  17. Thank you for providing an open forum for traditional approaches to health.


    • Thank you! Our community works very hard to fulfill our mission. Take care

  18. Thanks, I’m grateful for the opportunity to join this church. My great grandmother
    was believed to be all Cherokee
    Many blessings Felix

  19. Like the harmony with nature.

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