How to Join N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization and Acquire an N.A.I.C. Authorized Blessed Medicine Participant or Membership. All are welcome!
I appreciate your consideration of joining the steadily increasing list of responsible people who, by entering the “Native American Indigenous Church, Inc.,” are essentially standing up for their Constitutional Rights to participate in and to hold indigenous, earth-based, empowering, and healing medicine and ceremonies.
IMPORTANT! Please Note! N.A.I.C. is NOT a Federally Recognized Tribe.
N.A.I.C. is a religious Faith Based Tribal Organization that is ecumenical/interdenominational. All are welcome! We have members from a variety of tribes and tribal organizations, as well as spiritual groups. Although we have enrolled members from over 44 Federal or State Recognized Tribal Nations… We the (N.A.I.C.) DO NOT require any blood quotient for adoption, “Hunka,” or Tribal Organization Membership. We believe requiring a “Blood Quotient” or a defined percentage of ancestral D.N.A. as an enrollment practice is racist and financially motivated over traditional values. Most tribes, whether treaty-based or federally recognized, are not made up entirely of “Full Blood.” The majority of tribes are “mixed.” We know people born on the “rez…” who are denied tribal benefits, health care, and voting rights because one or both of their parents were not “full blood.” In our opinion, this is discriminatory and damaging to both impacted persons and tribes. This is our golden opportunity! We have the right to build an inter-tribal, living society free of the past’s “eugenics“-based policies.
Legal precedence dictates that the Native American Indigenous Church has full Constitutional Rights and Protections, as other registered Churches worshiping in the United States of America have received theirs since September 17, 1787.
N.A.I.C.-A.C.N.M.-TYC Newsletter and Updates Sign-Up Form
N.A.I.C. Members are protected even if they are NOT of American Native Heritage.
N.A.I.C. Does NOT abide by, recognize, or restrict access based on “Blood Quotient.” An “N.A.I.C. Church/ Religious Tribal Organization Membership” serves to protect the religious freedom of Indigenous and Native Americans, as well as all Americans, to practice the traditional and biblical traditions of Christian or Christ-Centered healing, Chirothesia, “Laying of Hands,” Christian Monastic Medicine, Humanitarian Aid Missions, Christian Yoga or Christ-centered Yoga Therapy, and other sacred, spirit and or energy-based practices common to Indigenous peoples. The N.A.I.C. Blessed Membership and credentials-ID Card informs the federal and the majority of state governments of the individual constitutional rights of the indigenous, traditional religious, and Tribal organization members, who may not be aware of these rights.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Re: Unlawful Lockdown and or Quarantine Orders
A “Religious Native American or Indigenous (Aboriginal) Tribal Organization Membership” safeguards the availability, expression, and practice of Indigenous, Traditional Native American, and Christian Healthcare, a term for Indigenous, traditional, or Native American Medicine. Our memberships give you access to our tribal organization and sanctuary. In light of this, the unanimous decisions of three United States Higher Courts (the Federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, the State of Utah Supreme Court, and the United States Supreme Court) make it abundantly clear and concise that:
Government agencies of the United States have no legal authority to restrict the participation, practice, or expression of a church’s pastoral practices based on race (American Native) or political affiliation (Federally Recognized Tribes); Access to American Native Indigenous Sacred Ceremonial Grounds and the use of any plants, minerals, cacti, herbs, fungi, (Sacrament) or access to Humanitarian Aid Missions cannot be denied; The government of the United States must uphold these constitutional rights as an example and a matter of law. These unanimous rulings make it abundantly clear that all members of ‘any’ federally recognized tribe and ‘ members’ of a bona fide Native American Church have the constitutional right and protection to worship with any earth-based sacraments, ‘specifically Peyote.’
The sovereignty of tribes or tribal organizations. Consequently, they are entitled to their healthcare infrastructure. This consists of a rehabilitation center, clinic, counseling center, or hospital that can be operated off Tribal land. This allows N.A.I.C. providers or Authorized Independent Church/Tribal Organizations to participate. Auxiliaries provide the modalities they want to practice, including education in spiritually based alternative modalities. Technically, a Tribal Organization N.A.I.C. provider operates under the authority and supervision of Tribal Organizations. Therefore, local, state, and federal secular authorities have no authority over them.
Important Note! Active N.A.I.C. Membership does not make you bulletproof! N.A.I.C. Membership establishes the legal basis for your Traditional and Indigenous Sacred Medicine beliefs, expressions, and practices under N.A.I.C. Tribal org. Rules, procedures, and guidelines. N.A.I.C. Membership does not promote, support, protect, or condone unauthorized, inappropriate, violent, or harmful practices. No improper, illegal, unapproved, or “out of scope” practices are intended or tolerated under the N.A.I.C. Umbrella.
N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. currently accepts blessed members at four tiers of authorized membership. The privileges, conditions, and responsibilities are very different for each, so read carefully.
NAIC TRIBAL ORG. Authorized Participant Membership open to anyone with interest in N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Healthcare: SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies provided by Authorized Ministers (Practitioners): Native American, Aboriginal and Indigenous Medicine, Pastoral/ Ministerial Care and Counseling and related Natural and or Indigenous Healing Services, Thai Yoga – Indigenous Traditional Thai Massage (I.T.T.M.), (Slang for Thai Yoga Therapy and utterly unrelated to the secular practice of Massage or Massage Therapy), Yoga Therapy, Indigenous Traditional Ayurveda.
Attention: Active Duty Service Men and Women/ Active Duty Military Join Here!
No previous experience is necessary! The N.A.I.C. Participant Tier Membership is suitable for those individuals wishing to receive N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Holistic Healthcare or Humanitarian Aid Mission Services, member services, participate in ceremony and healing services, ministry, and or counseling, and with all legal protections afforded to N.A.I.C. and sovereign ecclesiastical jurisdictions. All N.A.I.C. Students, Practitioners, Teachers, Ministers, and Medicine Persons must have their clients and practice partners join at this level. (Please note: N.A.I.C. Participant Tier Members/A.P.M. are NOT authorized to perform professional services; they are approved to receive, support, and participate only. Any abuse of this privilege should be reported to N.A.I.C. immediately.)
Note: You will be asked to agree that you have read, understood, and affirmed the N.A.I.C. Code of Ethics and the N.A.I.C.,” Articles of Religious Practice, Education and Healthcare to obtain an NAIC APM. All our church / Tribal Org. memberships are conditional to agreeing to abide by the published Code of Ethics and N.A.I.C. Cancellation and Refund Policy—all N.A.I.C. Active Memberships or Legal Protections under the L.O.A.F. The program requires a subscription to the N.A.I.C. Newsletters and updates. If you “unsubscribe,” as is your right, we will cancel your membership and rescind all active services and legal protections immediately. You can update or change your email preferences if you do not cancel.
Share in the message and participate in the ceremonies.
The A.F.M. Tier Authorization verifies your full N.A.I.C. Church/Tribal Organization healthcare membership. The N.A.I.C. believes that a $200.00 minimum donation is a small sacrifice in comparison to what BOTH federally and non-federally recognized Tribal American Native and or Aboriginal People and their families have endured, allowing you and all other races to benefit from their sacrifices to worship their indigenous, native, aboriginal traditional religious and cultural practices.
As of September 1, 2016, Understand that a portion of your $200.00 payment will go straight to our Legal Fund to safeguard your rights to practice, express, and receive therapeutic services. The N.A.I.C. Inc. Tribal Organization and Church gratefully accept tax-deductible donations for the N.A.I.C. Legal Defense Fund. If you require assistance in making a contribution or bequest, please get in touch with the office.
The N.A.I.C. Authorized Full Blessed Membership Authorization of Ministry and Healing Practice allows you to become a member, participate and offer services in our ceremonies (including Chirothesia/Laying on Hands), and help us share the Native American Indigenous Religion, Medicine, and Culture as well as the healing mission of N.A.I.C. This membership level gives you the legal right to extend and offer healing services as an N.A.I.C. Authorized Minister and Tribal Organization Authorized Counselor, Healing Coach, Advocate, and or Religious Therapeutic Practitioner based on your N.A.I.C. authorized/recognized education, scope of practice, and conditions. Becoming a member allows you to practice land healing, therapy, counseling, coaching, rituals, and sacraments.
Note: You will be asked to agree that you have read, understood, and affirmed the N.A.I.C. Code of Ethics and the N.A.I.C.,” Articles of Religious Practice, Education and Healthcare to obtain an N.A.I.C. A.F.M. All our church / Tribal Org. memberships are conditional to agreeing to abide by the published Code of Ethics and N.A.I.C. Cancellation and Refund Policy.
Please Note: Preconditions are required to obtain the N.A.I.C.-AFM Membership Authorization: 164 Hrs. Minimum: N.A.I.C./ ACNM Authorized Seminary Courses. All N.A.I.C. Active Memberships or Legal Protections under the L.O.A.F. The program requires a subscription to the N.A.I.C. Newsletters and updates. If you “unsubscribe,” as is your right, we will cancel your membership and rescind all active services and legal protections immediately. You can update or change your email preferences if you do not cancel.
The N.A.I.C.-L.C.H.T., Tribal Org. A Ministerial Licensed Commissioned Holistic Therapist is an N.A.I.C. Authorized ministerial/ clerical Holistic practitioner, therapist, counselor, or physician who has graduated from an approved N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. Seminary program (N.A.I.C. American College of Natural Medicine- A.C.N.M.: Thai Yoga Center CTP1, 2, 3), or who holds at minimum a high school education and who has received a minimum of 700 hours of direct training in one or all of the Indigenous Traditional and or Native American Medicinal and or Ceremonial, Sacredotal, Indigenous Healing ways that our church and tribe recognizes.
This training must include physical, mental, and sacred/ spiritual human health and wellness. The L.C.H.T. must be identified and approved by the Director and N.A.I.C. Tribal Org—Board of Advisors. The N.A.I.C. Tribal Org-L.C.H.T., with training in SomaVeda®, Native American, Indigenous Peoples Traditional Medicine, or Biblical-based nutrition and or traditional psychology, and emotional well-being, may instruct and guide individuals and groups in holistic health and wellness, natural food, physical and mental, emotional and or psychological health improvement programs using any natural thing provided by Mother Earth for the peoples healing. The N.A.I.C.-L.C.H.T. may lead study groups to learn Christ-centered, Mother Earth-based instruction for physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Important Note: Exemptions and or partial exemptions from prerequisite qualifications may be requested. However, Exemption from any prerequisite requirements for LCHT Licentiate-License is on a case-by-case basis and is not automatic regardless of other licensing or recognitions and or length of practice.
Membership, Ordination, and professional ministerial, health care, and clerical qualifications to provide spiritually based Tribal organization-authorized Health Care, holistic and natural counseling, and therapies. The administrative contribution/ donation fee for the N.A.I.C.-L.C.H.T. is $350.00. The Commissioned Holistic Therapists Vocational Licentiate is additional proof of your N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. After the first year, annually, it is N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. opinion that a $250.00 annual contribution/ donation is a relatively insignificant donation and sacrifice to be able to establish a legal basis for a clerical/ ministerial and holistic healing and wellness livelihood ministry and to maintain your professional spiritually based SomaVeda® or other approved sacred modality of healing, counseling, and therapeutic practice in good standing.
Important Note: You will be asked to agree that you have read, understand, and affirm the N.A.I.C. Code of Ethics and the N.A.I.C.,” Articles of Religious Practice, Education and Healthcare to obtain an N.A.I.C.- L.C.H.T. All our church / Tribal Org. memberships are conditional to agreeing to abide by the published N.A.I.C. Code of Ethics and N.A.I.C. Cancellation and Refund Policy.
All N.A.I.C. Active Memberships or Legal Protections under the L.O.A.F. program require a subscription to the N.A.I.C. Newsletters and updates. If you “unsubscribe,” as is your right, we will cancel your membership and rescind all active services and legal protections immediately. You can update or change your email preferences if you do not cancel.
Please Note: Preconditions are required to obtain the N.A.I.C.- L.C.H.T. Card/N.A.I.C. Vocational Licentiate (700 Hrs. Minimum CTP1, 2, 3 and 100 hrs. documented practice: N.A.I.C./ A.C.N.M. Authorized Seminary Courses and or equivalent with board approval.)
Please Note: Ready to start your own N.A.I.C. Free Church, Independent Branch, and Tribal Organizations Health Care Providers? Establish and protect your clinic, hospital, counseling, seminary, school, therapeutic practice, or other legitimate expressions of indigenous, traditional, familial, tribal, sacramental, ceremonial, or other genuine terms of Christian Native American, Mother Earth-based spirituality and Health Care.
Please Note: N.A.I.C. Church Tribal Organization membership is conditional, once issued, on remaining an active N.A.I.C. Member in good standing. A dynamic and verified email is required to receive N.A.I.C. services and all N.A.I.C. correspondence. Once approved, canceling the email address associated with the membership without a confirmed substitute will be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of Active N.A.I.C. Member Status and recension/suspension of all N.A.I.C. Authorized services.
Contact N.A.I.C.: Call or email N.A.I.C. TODAY for details on establishing your unique, independent, affiliated N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. Branch! Once we receive your request for further information, we can forward all the steps necessary to fulfill your goal and any suggested donations.
N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. Donation/ Cancellation and Refund Policy (Effective 09/23/2016)
Participants or Members acquire, use, transport, or participate in using the traditional herbal sacraments, which may be contentious and illegal in any particular state without written permission from N.A.I.C. N.A.I.C. members are free NOT to acquire, use, transport, or participate in the use of the traditional or herbal contentious or illegal sacraments without written permission from N.A.I.C. Under no circumstances is it required that N.A.I.C. Church/ Tribal Org.