Forced Vaccinations Are Rape

Posted by on Jun 18, 2020 in Press Release | 0 comments

Forced Vaccinations Are Rape: A decree and addition to the NAIC Tribal Org. ARTICLES OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICE, EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE MEMBERSHIP NAIC Inc. officially by vote of elders, this day June 18th. 2020 adopts the following definition of “Rape”. We are opposed to Rape in all it forms. We the elders of NAIC Inc. Tribal Organization further adopt into our articles of membership this statement of systems analysis written by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD as a clarifying statement in our native beliefs in the sacredness and sanctity of the body and all of it’s parts as given to us by the creator spirit. We are opposed to all forms of rape… Rape of the earth and rape of our persons, our families, our children.

We believe there is no compelling interest of any governmental or other secular agency to force or mandate an experimental and dangerous drug such as a “Vaccine” to be administered without consent of the patient and or child member of NAIC.

We believe this harmful and violent act which can and may cause damage, injury and or death and susceptibility to concomitant disease or illnesses is a patent violation of civil and humans rights as outlined in State, Federal, Constitutional Laws and in international treaty of which the US is a signatory: Nuremburg Code: Title 1, UDHR, Geneva Conventions which categorize medical experimentation and procedures without consent as illegal and crimes against humanity.


  1. Forcible Sex Offenses: Any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent. For the purposes of clarification of our position… we, NAIC consider ANY Forcible penetration of ANY part of the body as a violent sexual offense.
  2. Harassment/ Stalking: “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.

Please note: Rape and Forced Sexual Battery and or Harrassment and Stalking Laws and regulations do vary from state to state. Please consult the specific criminal code of your state for details. This will include UCC: Uniform Criminal Guidelines in that state published for law enforcement.

Forced vaccination is rape – a conclusion, herein, that is a result of a systems of systems analysis that intersects both: (1) a biological systems understanding, which recognizes that pores on the human skin – approximately 5 million – are “orifices”; and, (2) a legal systems understanding wherein rape is defined as “…penetration of any bodily orifice by any body part or by any object, against a person’s will or without consent, and with threat or actual use of force.” This conclusion affords potential victims of forced vaccination the opportunity to employ existing legal remedies such as Harassment Prevention Orders to prohibit forced vaccination – as such action constitutes rape or a threat of rape – commonly known as rape threat. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the analysis and results herein defining forced vaccination as rape by intersecting both the biological systems understanding of pores on the skin as orifices, and the legal systems definition of rape, are the first of its kind.

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