NAIC Native-Tribal Sanctuary June Clean-up, Sweat Lodge grounds and Healing Ceremony

Posted by on Jun 18, 2023 in | 0 comments

NAIC Native-Tribal Sanctuary June Clean-up, Sweat Lodge grounds and Healing Ceremony

NAIC Native-Tribal Sanctuary June Clean-up, Sweat Lodge Grounds and Healing Ceremony

(No Sweat ceremony! )

NAIC Sanctuary Clean Up and Fellowship


Saturday, 1:00 pm., June 24th. 2023 :

If you don’t know what that means, come with a good and humble attitude, and we will show you! Family-oriented NAIC Church function.

This NAIC Sanctuary Spring Clean-up, Sweat Lodge restoration, and healing Ceremony are at no cost!

Hosting a ceremony on the land takes more than a bit of preparation. The sanctuary is gearing up for the Annual Spring Maintenance of the land. We are caretakers of the land. Some individuals are what we call “fair weather” participants who only show up at the last minute and want to run into the lodge and then run away afterward, avoiding the clean-up!

Keeping the land and facility in good shape for the ceremony and meditation takes community efforts and investment that is consistent over time. It is also required if you think you’re going to participate.

This Saturday is one of several opportunities we are offering to get involved in Native American Traditions of Religious practices. The work is the lesson and part of preparing for any ceremony.

RSVP is required; dress for “landscaping” (See photo above from the previous clean-up day) and bring gloves and a container to collect some of our Sacred Water!

Now is the best time to reaffirm your religious beliefs and genuine support of Native American Sacred Medicine!

Please note: That means the RSVP list here on the Meet Up is a partial list of attendees, not a complete list!

Attention: You must be pre-approved to attend this private religious Ceremony. No Walk-ins! If you are unsure how to register, be approved, and participate… please reread the info and call or email for any questions.

No charge ever for Ceremony!

Call ahead or email for an interview with Dr. J/Medicine Man.
This function Requires an “APM” (Authorized Participant Level Membership) Membership active with NAIC. Guests are welcome with pre-approval. No Guest without pre-approval.
( Go to “Memberships” for APM…

Over the years, our family (NAIC) traditional pipe and tobacco has evolved into a well-rounded healing ceremony. It does not favor any particular tribe and is eclectic. Our family is Crow and Sac, and Fox. N.A.I.C. is true “Intertribal” and has more than 44 native and indigenous tribal nations currently represented.

Phone: (706) 358-8646. Ask for Dr. J!
If you are new to NAIC Tribal-Native Ceremony or are seeking healing, we are experts and can guide you well.

• Water Bottle or Jug: Our deep well has AMAZING water. It’s been tested and found to be some of the best and purest. Take some home with you!
• Lightweight clothing (natural, cotton, etc.)
• Don’t be late!
• No photos other than by authorized NAIC Staff, no exceptions.

Please note this again! If you have not previously attended one of our events,s you must call for a personal interview with the Medicine Elder… NO EXCEPTIONS. Save yourself the effort and get that interview in before 24hrs before the scheduled Ceremony. Walk in’s will be turned away at the Sanctuary Gate.

You can bring a guest as long as they join N.A.I.C. and RSVP.

No last-minute registrations on Saturday and no walk-ins, as we will be on the land. All service is on NAIC Private Sanctuary and consecrated ground. Proper and respectful behavior at all times. Zero tolerance for any bad behavior! This is a safe space… No Alcohol, No Drugs, No exception.

You must not “Smoke” or take in the tobacco sacrament to be blessed by the Chanupa. However, everyone must follow NAIC RPGs and be a member of NAIC, including guests. If unclear about this, ask ahead, as no unregistered persons will be allowed on the property during Ceremony.

I look forward to meeting you!

Event topics
Native Americans, Native American Spirituality, Natural Health & Wellness, Land Conservation

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