August 10th. 2019 Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony Saving Grace Sanctuary

Posted by on Aug 18, 2019 in | 0 comments

August 10th. 2019 Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony Saving Grace Sanctuary

NAIC Sacred Sweat Lodge

Saturday afternoon and evening NAIC Memvbers and medicine persons re-build the NAIC Sacred Sweat Lodge and Ceremonial Purification House. The original Sweat was destroyed during hurricane Maria in late 2018. The dedicated group toiled and cleaned the entire ceremony circle and pulled together under the directions of NAIC Medicine Man, Dr. Anthony B. James. It was 95 degree outside and we were sweating long before firing up some hot stones and bringing the grandfathers into the lodge in a good way. This lodge was mostly about prayers for healing . There has been so much violence of late and our community wants to use our traditional tools to bring healing to those affected and to our own families as well.


Our commitment is that now that the lodge is up and running again to support regular lodges for our central Florida Native community.

1) NAIC Sacred Ceremony: August 10th. 2019 Sweat Lodge and Purification


Native American Indigenous Church Inc. Federally Recognized Native American Church/ Indigenous Tribal Organization: We believe in the rights of Mother Earth. NAIC was established to provide our community with service, education, spiritual fellowship and healing. To protect the practice of Mother Earth based Native American spiritual traditions, ceremony, sacred practices, Indigenous and Natural Medicine ways. NAIC is a Florida State incorporated Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO/ Church and Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace under the Holy Apostolic Church of the East Chaldean-Syrian Rite: Dioces of the Sacred Medical Order of the Church of Hope (SMOCH).

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