Legal Issues pertaining to practice of Native American Religion
News January 11th. 2025: Sacred Monastic Order, Church of Hope Dioces Holy Apostolic Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas, Brooksville, FL USA. Native Bishop Dr. Anthony B. James, an elder medicine man of the Native American Indigenous Church, was awarded the credentials “Christian Science (of mind) Practitioner.” in a solemn ceremony in the chapel, attended by Patriarch Mar Basilious Padre Adao Perara representing the Holy Apostolic Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas and Excellency Bishop Prof. Dr. Charles McWilliams. Christian Science Practitioner Legal Exemptions from Medical Practices Acts: 1) Christian Science Practitioner...
Read MoreNAIC LCHT September Hunka-Adoption Induction Ceremony, St James House of Prayer Tampa Florida Saturday, September 14th. 2024 at 11:30 am, the Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) will be conducting our formal “Hunka” adoption-in ceremony for ten worthy candidates for the NAIC Licensed Holistic Counselor (LCHT) licentiate authorization. St. James House of Prayer, Episcopal Church, N. Tampa Traditionally all Native American and Indigenous tribes and or tribal organizations have practiced the “Hunka” or tribal family adoption ceremony to grow the tribal and family circle. NAIC professes, promotes, practices, and preserves the unique heritage of...
Read MoreNew information and Legal Updates on Vaccinations and Mandated Medical Procedures for NAIC Members and their Families. by Anthony B. James, Medicine Man, Native Bishop, and NAIC Elder. There is new information and updates affecting your rights to practice Native American and Indigenous Religion and Religious therapeutic practices. Hello, NAIC Members, both Practitioners and Authorized Participants. As you may know, the NAIC has been very active in the medical freedom movement from our inception. We have actively offered and issued legal exemptions from medical mandates, experimental medical procedures, and vaccinations under our LOAF Religious Exemption Affidavit...
Read More– Case Study1 – Dietary Counseling in Florida: A Case Study on Licensing and First Amendment Rights Do you have the right to advise what to buy at the grocery store? The State of Florida says NO, you don’t Heather Kokesch Del Castillo is well-known for fighting for the freedom to give dietary counseling without a license. In California, she began a health coaching business providing food guidance. However, when she relocated to Florida, she was fined for providing nutrition counseling without a license because the state has stronger laws about who can provide dietary guidance. Heather’s case highlighted the larger problem of occupational licensing and...
Read MoreN.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Doctrine of Faith Introduction N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. (Saving Grace Ministry: FBO Religious Organization) exists to glorify God by helping fulfill the Great Commission through winning, building, and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit and partnering with the body of Christ in evangelism and discipleship. Pursuing this mission, we do so with Scripture as our anchor and North Star. Our Statement of Faith affirms that the Bible is “God’s infallible written Word” and that Scripture is “the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks.” Our work is guided by our belief in and commitment to the Scriptures. In what...
Read MoreN.A.I.C. Tribal Organization is truly an Inter-Tribal Organization N.A.I.C. Members of over 44 different Federally Recognized Tribes, State Recognized Tribes, and or Tribal Organizations Members of N.A.I.C. And it is Growing! Don’t see your tribe or tribal organization listed? Join N.A.I.C . Today! IMPORTANT! Please Note! N.A.I.C. is NOT and does not claim to be a Federally Recognized Tribe. N.A.I.C. is an ecumenical/ interdenominational, Christian religious Faith Based Tribal Organization. We have members from many different tribes, tribal organizations, and spiritual bodies from North, South, and Central America. Although we have enrolled members from over 44...
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