News January 11th. 2025: Sacred Monastic Order, Church of Hope Dioces Holy Apostolic Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas, Brooksville, FL USA. Native Bishop Dr. Anthony B. James, an elder medicine man of the Native American Indigenous Church, was awarded the credentials “Christian Science (of mind) Practitioner.” in a solemn ceremony in the chapel, attended by Patriarch Mar Basilious Padre Adao Perara representing the Holy Apostolic Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the Americas and Excellency Bishop Prof. Dr. Charles McWilliams. Christian Science Practitioner Legal Exemptions from Medical Practices Acts: 1) Christian Science Practitioner...
Read MoreNew information and Legal Updates on Vaccinations and Mandated Medical Procedures for NAIC Members and their Families. by Anthony B. James, Medicine Man, Native Bishop, and NAIC Elder. There is new information and updates affecting your rights to practice Native American and Indigenous Religion and Religious therapeutic practices. Hello, NAIC Members, both Practitioners and Authorized Participants. As you may know, the NAIC has been very active in the medical freedom movement from our inception. We have actively offered and issued legal exemptions from medical mandates, experimental medical procedures, and vaccinations under our LOAF Religious Exemption Affidavit...
Read MoreAn N.A.I.C. Wedding Ceremony Script For First-Time Officiants N.A.I.C. Ordained Licentiate-LCHT Ministers are occasionally honored with requests to officiate or perform solemn ceremonies, including weddings, funerals, baptisms, and sweat lodges, among others. For this purpose, I am supplying a guideline for N.A.I.C. Ordained Ministers, L.C.H.T. While this specific wedding ceremony script contains humorous elements, such as the reading of vows, the exchange of jewelry, and the pouring of the unity sand, you are free to modify it to suit your needs. Have a wonderful wedding! This standard ceremony-wedding can be indoors or out. Natural surroundings are lovely for...
Read MoreNew Book by Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James! “Stretching Towards the Heavens, Christian Insights into Yoga Therapy: Exploring Christian Spirituality through Yoga Therapy – Yoga Therapy: A Healing Practice and Counseling Tool for Christians” Order: For Paperback For Kindle/ Tablet/ Phone Stretching Towards the Heavens, Christian Insights into Yoga Therapy: Yoga Therapy, an increasingly popular approach to holistic well-being, incorporates various physical and mental practices to promote overall health. However, some Christian practitioners have expressed concerns about the compatibility of yoga-Yoga Therapy with their faith. In examining this topic, it is...
Read MoreORDER YOUR PERSONALIZED LETTER OF FAITH (L.O.A.F.)/ N.A.I.C. TRIBAL ORG. VERIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP/ RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION PACKET Suitable for all 50 states and customized for your own individual situation. Please Note: We support the Military! Active Duty, Reserve, etc. Reserve your letter of Faith Attestation Letter and Packet here! As a member of the Native American Indigenous religious community, You are born with God-given rights protected by the United States Constitution. As a member of a legally cognizable Native American Indigenous Tribal Organization- organized religion, you can seek recognition of your special status as protected by law and or...
Read MoreGET YOUR PERSONALIZED LETTERS ” N.A.I.C. ATTESTATION OF FAITH” You are born with God-given rights protected by the United States Constitution. Important: This service consultation is offered exclusively for Active, Enrolled N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. members only. We, the Native American Indigenous Church Tribal Organization (N.A.I.C. Inc.), support the work and assistance of some of the finest legal resources in the country regarding Native American, Indigenous, and or Tribal organization personal and religious liberties. The letters and documents furnished in service of your N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Religious Exception and or exemption (Attestation of Faith...
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