The Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) offers regular training and education in Indigenous, Traditional, Native and Natural Medicine for Medicine Men and Women as well as Ministers of healing, practitioners, counselors, therapist who are committed to preserving the right of Indigenous and Native peoples to practice Sacred medicine as a genuine expression of Native American Religion and religious therapeutic practices.
IMPORTANT! Restricted… N.A.I.C. Active Members only! Not an active N.A.I.C . Member? Join N.AI.C. Here. As an N.A.I.C. Member, You must read, understand, and agree to these TERMS OF SERVICE: All donations are for a private consultation- communication between the N.A.I.C. Member/ Communicant and N.A.I.C. Minister Bishop Dr. Anthony B. James or other N.A.I.C Ministers as appropriate. This is a service for private consultation with N.A.I.C Saving Grace Ministry and Dr. Anthony B. James. Minimum Donation: $29.95 There are NO “Letters” for sale. The “Applicant/ Named Individual” ordering this service MUST be an active N.A.I.C Member. The Letter...
Read MoreORDER YOUR PERSONALIZED LETTER OF FAITH (L.O.A.F.)/ N.A.I.C. TRIBAL ORG. VERIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP/ RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION PACKET Suitable for all 50 states and customized for your own individual situation. Please Note: We support the Military! Active Duty, Reserve, etc. Reserve your letter of Faith Attestation Letter and Packet here! As a member of the Native American Indigenous religious community, You are born with God-given rights protected by the United States Constitution. As a member of a legally cognizable Native American Indigenous Tribal Organization- organized religion, you can seek recognition of your special status as protected by law and or...
Read MoreAbout Vaccines Please note: NAIC Inc. Tribal Organization and Church FBO & Religious Organization practicing Indigenous Native American religion path, position on current issue’s relating to Vaccines. NAIC is NOT Anti-Vaxx! Traditional Non-toxic vaccines which have been tested and which do not use toxic materials or human fetal byproducts, and or Homeopathic Nosodes may be found to be helpful and medically and or scientifically appropriate. However, Injections, Dosings, Vaccinations, children’s vaccinations, military vaccinations, which are mandated under threat or coersion, non-concensual and or forced vaccinations without patient or parental consent...
Read MoreGET YOUR PERSONALIZED LETTERS ” N.A.I.C. ATTESTATION OF FAITH” You are born with God-given rights protected by the United States Constitution. Important: This service consultation is offered exclusively for Active, Enrolled N.A.I.C. Tribal Org. members only. We, the Native American Indigenous Church Tribal Organization (N.A.I.C. Inc.), support the work and assistance of some of the finest legal resources in the country regarding Native American, Indigenous, and or Tribal organization personal and religious liberties. The letters and documents furnished in service of your N.A.I.C. Tribal Organization Religious Exception and or exemption (Attestation of Faith...
Read MoreLIVE! March 164hr Thai Yoga Practitioner, Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant Certification: NAIC Seminary Retreat 2021: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Certified Practitioner Program:CTP (164 hour residential intensive). This 13 day, (March 5th – 17th./ Advanced: 18th – 20th. 2021) program covered all four levels of the Basic Professional Thai Yoga Certificate Program plus 20 additional breakout and/or supplemental courses. The CTP1 course is an intensive seminary training based on Traditional Thai Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Indigenous, Traditional, Natural and Native American Medicine. 1) March 2021 SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Cert. Program Photo Gallery 2)...
Read MoreHope for Indigenous Puerto Rico! We NAIC in cooperation with our affiliate organization SMOKH/ SMOCH/ Taino- Boricua and the City of Lares are announcing major progress in our project to bring Indigenous Medicine education and clinical services to the people of Lares, the local Taino Boriken. NAIC will be providing both indigenous medical educational programs at the Lares facility and assisting services in the new clinic. Read the whole story here! NAIC will be conducting the new SomaVeda® Fundamentals of Thai Yoga in Ponce, Puerto Rico this April 1-3, 2020. We will be hosting an open House, Meet and Greet on Friday Evening April 1st. with a two day intensive hands on...
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