N.A.I.C. Is an Authorized and Genuine Native American Church Tribal Organization
Effective September 22, 2016, the elders of the Native American Indigenous Church Inc., a Florida nonprofit religious corporation and church, declared The N.A.I.C. as an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Saving Grace directed by ministers and medicine persons Dr. Anthony James, Dr. Julie James as long as the trees and grass grow and rivers flow.
The founding Charter declares that Dr. Anthony B. James will be Chief Executive Officer and Julie James will be President as long as they walk Mother Earth.
Our Mission:
Native American Indigenous Church Inc. A UN WHO DESA NGO-IPO & Federally Registered-Recognized Native American Church/ Indigenous Tribal Organization: We believe in the rights of Mother Earth. N.A.I.C. was established to provide community service, education, spiritual fellowship, Sacred Medicine, and healing. N.A.I.C. was founded to protect, promote, exercise, and practice the beliefs, practices, and traditional religion of Christian/Christ-Centered and Mother Earth-based Native American spiritual traditions, ceremonies, sacred rituals, Indigenous and traditional Natural Medicine ways both personally and in the offering of Spiritual Education, Training and Functional Ministry practicing Indigenous, Traditional, Holistic and Natural Medicines as a sacerdotal duty and obligation of sacred people via our A.C.N.M. Seminary College, Thai Yoga Center (School of Integrated Traditional Therapies) and Sacred Ceremony.
The N.A.I.C. Bylaws further state that The N.A.I.C. branch Church, under the guidance of Dr. Anthony B. James and Dr. Julie James, will receive all rights and protections that the spiritual and incorporated parent religious organizations Priory of Saving Grace, Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope and the Holy Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in America’s Chaldean-Syrian Rite receives. This is in addition to any other or additional rights, privileges, and privacy enjoyed by any other Christian church under US Federal and State Religious recognitions and exemptions. Although SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Saving Grace Ministry of Christian/ Christ-Centered Religious Therapeutics (Chirothesia) incorporates indigenous and traditional religious therapeutics, medicine theories, and principles from North and South America, it includes origins derived from the indigenous and traditional tribal people of Asia, South East Asia, America’s and the Caribbean. Indigenous peoples of any country, band, tribal, or familial organization are free to incorporate indigenous and traditional medicines from anywhere they are found in the world, provided they do not violate any integrity practices and are inherently in agreement or concordance with the honoring of spirit and Mother Earth.
This Charter establishes “Saving Grace Ministry” and SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® as Bona Fide Traditionally based Native Indigenous Medicine and spiritual practice of the N.A.I.C. (FBO-Faith Based Tribal Organization). All indigenous persons are children of Mother Earth. As the indigenous traditional religious therapeutic medicine practices of our Asian brothers and sisters have been offered to us in this spirit, we adopt certain practices and incorporate them into our healing practice. We additionally honor and respect the sovereign right of any particular tribe or tribal organization to determine the content, methods, and traditions that they uniquely observe. We ask for the same respect for the rules of our church.
N.A.I.C. Legal Compliance and Member Agreements
NAIC Seminary, American College of Natural Medicine, and The Thai Yoga Center
Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope Diocese
Monastic Biological Christian Science
Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem: N.A.I.C . Recognized Native American division: The Grand Priory of the United States of America
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property; Anthony B. James: All World Rights Reserved.